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Hensil und Gertrude Dad Test



Yet another attempt at learning this whole 3d thingy. Not a super serious one; I just sort of opened mudbox, and was then sucked into my computer screen like some sort of 80's public service announcement. I used a premade generic skull with the mouth, eyes, and holes ripped out and then just used it as a blank canvas to sculpt on-top of (I still haven't quite figured out how to make the base-mesh in 3dmax, but I'm getting there!).

My character design professor, who's apparently been pretty impressed with how quickly I've picked up on 3d sculpting, asked me to do a demo for the students interested in this on Monday. I don't know how serious he was, or if he'll even remember, but this model was pretty much made as an "OH SHIT, CAN I PERFORM UNDER PRESSURE!?!?" practice deal.

The model took under an hour to make!
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1078x544px 383.13 KB
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